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March 30, 2025
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Fourth Sunday in Lent

Psalm 137:1-6 | John 11:23-25

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

It is difficult to understand how God could allow the pain and suffering we see in the world and in our own lives. Jesus is Emmanuel, "God with Us". Jesus reminds us that a better question to ask ourselves is, “What can I do to help those who are suffering and in pain?”

April 6, 2025
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Fifth Sunday in Lent

Psalm 103:8-14 | Matthew 6:9-15

How and Why Do I Forgive?

Forgiveness frees us from resentment and turmoil. God, who knows us inside out, sees where our mistakes and failings come from. God loves us through it all, offers forgiveness as a gift, and shows us how to extend it to others.

We Aim to be Open and Welcoming
Even to the Smallest People...

In the back of the sanctuary, we have children's bulletins, paper, crayons, and books for children to use during worship.


We also have a moment in worship that is child-friendly called "Wondering Time." Anyone who wishes to get a closer view during our time to wonder about things is welcome to come sit on the front pew.

Recorded Services


Whether you label yourself a "Christian," or are uncertain whether you believe in anything anymore, you are welcome to worship at Green Meadow United Methodist Church. Single, married, partnered, divorced, gay, rich, poor, USAmerican, or immigrant, you are welcome here. Burned out on religion -- whether organized or disorganized -- bedraggled and hungover, addicted or in recovery, just out of jail, 

you are welcome here. Have no idea about Holy Communion, hymnals, or when to stand or sit? Don't worry, we all have to begin somewhere. The most important thing is to begin.

We're glad you're here! 

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We are a United Methodist Community of Worship, serving in the Smoky Mountain District of the Holston Conference. Our mission is to be an open gathering place to nurture Christians in training who, equipped by the Holy Spirit, go into the world and share the light of Jesus Christ.

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Whether it's building mission kits for flood victims, sending food buckets to Zimbabwe, working with Family Promise of Blount County, helping the Salvation Army's lunch ministry, or gathering peanut butter for the Community Food Connection, "Meadow Folk" are engaged in the missio Dei ... God's mission of love.


Sunday mornings at Green Meadow are, in a way, much of what you would expect when you come to a United Methodist Church: we gather for Sunday School and we worship together. We also share a breakfast once a month, and in months where we have a fifth Sunday, we have a potluck dinner.


We are a United Methodist Community of Worship, serving in the Smoky Mountain District of the Holston Conference. 


1633 Louisville Road

Alcoa, TN 37701


Phone: (865) 982-5800


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© 2021 Green Meadow United Methodist Church. 

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